About Shop Ink oil
Ink Oil, LLC, was created by a very cool, tattooed mom and her daughter. Here is their story: The day I turned 18 I got my first tattoo. I quickly recognized that getting a tattoo, or even removing a tattoo, can be seriously uncomfortable. My mom was using essential oils in many aspects of our lives. I recognized the therapeutic effects of pure essential oils in a unique blend could provide a product that can reduce discomfort, speed healing, and keep skin healthy and vibrant while getting tattooed. With the help of my pharmacist brother, cool tattooed essential-oil using mom, and the sacrifice of most of my body for tattoo oil testing, we got Ink Oil up and running successfully. We then decided to expand our line of essential oil blends and our family to cover not only new tattoos, but beards, baby bumps and our favorite addition, pups!